Contact Lenses

Ask us about our new convenient service. We can arrange to have your contact lenses delivered to you!
Contact lenses are a wonderful alternative to wearing eyeglasses. In our fast paced and ever changing world of medical technology the choices of contact lenses are staggering. With correct fitting and proper care, today’s contacts offer unsurpassed comfort, improved eye health, excellent vision and few complications. There are new and improved multi-focal contact lenses and disposable lenses available for most eye prescriptions.
If you have considered or even once tried to wear contact lenses, you should discuss the many new and exciting options that are now available at your appointment.
We have many patients who love wearing their glasses; however, they purchase contact lenses with the sole purpose of wearing them for special occasions or sporting events. If this is something you have considered, “Dailies” may be a suitable option.
Whether contact lenses would be appropriate is really not age-dependent. Regardless of your age, you must be mature, disciplined and very motivated, because you are going to be expected to learn to put the contacts in and take them out on your own. You must also understand the responsibilities of being a contact lens wearer such as the regimen of cleaning and daily care. Also, there are responsibilities for the parent or caregiver of the young patients. Regular follow-up is essential to make sure the cornea stays healthy and undamaged. A contact lens is not just a cosmetic device but rather a medical device sitting on living tissue. You or your child will still need to have glasses for backup; during times when contact lens wear is inappropriate, such as when there is an eye infection. Although today’s contact lenses are very safe – IT IS NOT SAFE TO WEAR LENSES ALL THE TIME.
Contact Lens Choices
Like eyeglasses there is a large variety of contact lenses. Dr. Hadden and his associates would be very pleased to discuss what is best for you.
Disposable Contact Lenses
Our optometrists recommend all styles of disposable lenses. However, single-use disposable contact lenses are great because every day it is a new, sterile lens. This eliminates some worrisome issues such as: how were the lenses cleaned and was the contact lens case clean? Therefore, the easiest and arguably healthiest, type of contact is the daily disposable, which is discarded at the end of each day. Another option is the daily wear disposable lenses which are taken out, cleaned and stored every night and then re-worn the next day until their “shelf life” is up. There are two week and monthly lenses available.
Soft Durable Lenses
These are soft lenses that will typically last about a year. They need to be cleaned and disinfected daily and require periodic treatment to remove protein build-up.
Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses
These lenses are generally used for Keratoconus and high astigmatisms but can be used on any patient suitable for contact lenses. They are a newer, comfortable incarnation of the old “hard contacts” and provide better correction for certain vision problems.
To Ensure Safe and Successful Contact Lens Wear:
Always wash hands before touching contact lenses and use a lint free towel
- Handle the same lens first each time to avoid confusing the right and left lenses
- Clean, rinse, and disinfect your lenses each time you remove them according to the instructions provided
- Apply make-up after inserting your lenses. Remove contact lenses before make-up removal
- Use solution before expiration date marked on bottle
- Replace your lens case every three months. Keep your case clean by rinsing in hot water and letting air dry
- Never use tap water on your lenses
- Never swim in a public pool or whirlpool while wearing contact lenses without swim goggles
- Never put a contact lens onto an eye that is red and/or you are experiencing discharge from the eye
- Never sleep in your lenses
- Do not substitute contact lens solutions without doctor approval
- Maintain your regularly scheduled follow-up appointments